lavoro a maglia o all'uncinetto
intreccio infiniti fili al telaio
uso colori naturali per le tinture
scelgo i materiali in funzione delle stagioni
Starting with a thread of wool, she creates unique articles: scarves, stoles, blankets, hats, muscle warmers, headbands, neck warmers, hoods… all articles that will warm your soul in the dead of winter. You can never have enough of them!
Veronica dyes the precious threads with colors from local plants: yellow from daisies, red from rubia, indigo from indigofera. Buttons are made with wood from the Olive tree, carved and colored. The results are soft and luscious.
I meet by appointment in my workshop in via Borromeo 160 in Calzaiolo, San Casciano. When the weather is nice, I open a temporary shop for one or two months in various towns of the area, thus giving life to unrented shops. I also give individual and group lessons using small looms”.